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Writer's pictureGabriel Whitley

Why Republicans Should Vote for Libertarian Andrew Horning Over RINO Warmongering Jim Banks

Indianapolis, Indiana: As the U.S. Senate race for Indiana heats up, Republicans have a significant choice to make: Do they vote for Jim Banks, a career politician who has increasingly adopted the establishment’s talking points and policies, or do they choose a candidate who embodies the principles of liberty, limited government, and peace? Andrew Horning, the Libertarian candidate, provides a strong and compelling alternative for Republicans fed up with the status quo.

Who Is Andrew Horning?

Andrew Horning is no stranger to Indiana politics. Born in Indianapolis, Horning earned a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University at Bloomington in 1979. With experience as a senior product manager for Spacelabs Healthcare and an adjunct scholar with the Indiana Policy Review, Horning has a well-rounded background that bridges the world of business, policy, and healthcare. While some dismiss him as a "perennial candidate" due to his multiple runs for office, Horning is a seasoned candidate with a principled vision for America.

Horning has run for the 8th Congressional District in 2020, 2016, and 2012, demonstrating his dedication to serving the people of Indiana. What sets him apart from other candidates is not just his persistence, but his unwavering commitment to liberty, peace, and justice — values that resonate with many Republicans.

Jim Banks: A RINO Warmonger?

Jim Banks, by contrast, has increasingly fallen in line with the Washington establishment, earning the unfortunate label of a "Republican In Name Only" (RINO) among grassroots conservatives. Despite his conservative rhetoric, Banks has supported policies that contribute to America's endless foreign entanglements and massive spending. His hawkish stance on foreign policy has made him more of a war advocate than a principled conservative, which alienates voters who are weary of endless military interventions.

Republicans who believe in limited government, fiscal restraint, and a focus on American priorities at home should be troubled by Banks' willingness to embrace the military-industrial complex and its wasteful spending. His support for interventionist foreign policies is far from the non-interventionist, America-first approach that many liberty-minded Republicans support.

Horning’s Vision for Peace and Liberty

Andrew Horning offers a stark contrast to Jim Banks’ big-government, warmongering approach. Horning has long been an advocate for the principles championed by Ron Paul — liberty, peace, and constitutional government. He famously said, “You can have Peace, Prosperity, Security, Justice and Individual Liberty at long last.” These words reflect a platform that puts individual freedoms and peace at the forefront of policy, something Republicans have traditionally stood for.

Horning’s platform isn’t about endless military campaigns, but about peace through strength and diplomacy. He believes that a prosperous and secure America comes not from foreign interventions, but from a government that respects individual liberties, cuts wasteful spending, and defends the Constitution.

A True Liberty Conservative

Horning's popularity among liberty conservatives and traditional Republicans has been growing. His consistent message of reducing government overreach and promoting personal freedoms resonates deeply with voters who feel disenfranchised by the current Republican Party. Unlike Banks, Horning is not a politician beholden to corporate interests or the establishment. He is running to bring real change to Washington.

For Republicans who were inspired by the Ron Paul Revolution, or who have grown tired of the GOP’s drift toward big government and militarism, Horning is the candidate who can restore the party’s original principles. His emphasis on limited government, constitutionalism, and personal responsibility makes him the best choice for liberty-loving Republicans in Indiana.

Conclusion: A Vote for Horning Is a Vote for Conservative Principles

In the 2024 U.S. Senate race, Republicans have the opportunity to break from the establishment and vote for a candidate who truly represents their values. Andrew Horning is not just the Libertarian choice; he is the liberty conservative who offers a return to constitutional principles, fiscal responsibility, and peace.

Jim Banks may have the "R" next to his name, but his policies reflect the same old Washington warmongering that Republicans claim to oppose. Voting for Andrew Horning sends a message that Hoosiers are done with RINO politics and are ready for a return to genuine conservative governance.

On November 5, 2024, it’s time for Republicans to choose liberty over war, peace over endless intervention, and Andrew Horning over Jim Banks.


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