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Writer's pictureGabriel Whitley

Breaking News: Indiana Voter Fraud Exposed in Three Elections

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

November 29-2020

Indiana Voter Fraud Exposed from the County Level to the State Level.

Wayne Township Trustee Voter Fraud in 2018 Election

Andy Harris vs Chuck Jones

Kim Harris had emailed us information about voter fraud that had happen in the Wayne Township Trustee Election and Lawyers proved it. But again it was swept under the carpet and ignored. Kim Harris stated to us

“ I am attaching 101 pages of new voters from 2018. If you look at page 24 this is just one instance we have found. They list 2 people same name same address and same birthdate just a different year. The lady would have been 98 in 2018 and voting for the first time. The election was November 6 that year. 29 days prior would have been October 8, 2018 to be registered. Some of the dates of registration fall well after the 29 days. Also, this list is time stamped. Why and how were people being registered at midnight? Some of these people were born in the 20’s? Page 45 of this list there was a person born in 1924 that lives on the second story of an apartment building. It says she registered to vote at 12:31am on 10/11/2018. After the cutoff and at midnight?

My husband went to some of these addresses in 2018. What he found was either some of these people never lived there or had not lived there in a long time.

In previous Trustee races in Wayne Township the turnout was between 14-17,000 voters. In 2018, the turnout was over 33,000. Chuck Jones is the one that ran against Andy and if you are not familiar with him, he is the one that was in the twitter war with Trump. Andy helped bring Trump to Carrier in 2106 and Chuck was the union president then. I have been told Chuck brought in union people from other states, put them up in hotels, and had them vote in the race that year. This is easy to prove.

We also know that Chuck does not live at the address he voted from and hasn’t for a very long time. He has lived with his girlfriend Pam for a long time and his wife lives at the house in Mars Hill he uses to vote from. He voted in the wrong precinct twice since 2018 and I am sure before that. He has not lived at that address for quite sometime and we have witnesses to back that up.

All of this information has been provided to the election board on several different occasions as well as 2 attorneys that both told us yes, it was election fraud but there was nothing the board would do because it is Democrat controlled.

There is so many discrepancies in this 101 page list that it is sickening. I have demanded that this be looked into on several different occasions and we also demanded that the 6.5 million dollar rainy day fund be looked into because they spent every dime.

We believe this race in 2018 was a test race to cheat to see if they could do it because Chuck Jones hates Trump. I also am sending the mailer they sent out on Andy in another email. Andy is well known, very liked, and everyone in our community was and still is shocked that he lost. I want this looked into because both attorneys Sam Dewester and David Brooks told us it was fraud!”

Link of the New Voter List

Evansville City Council Ward 3 Voter Fraud in 2019 Election

Missy Mosby vs Natalie Rascher

Tri-State News reported a year ago on the Evansville City Council Ward 3 Race

“Democratic incumbent Missy Mosby defeated Republican Natalie Rascher by 19 votes in the most recent tally. The Vanderburgh County Republican Party then requested the recount. But after meeting with Rascher, attorneys, and members of the Republican Central Committee, Republican Party Chair Wayne Parke says it was determined it would be too difficult to overturn the recount.” Our sources in Vanderburgh County Republican Party confirms that Lawyers did in fact find over 30 Mail in Ballots that were illegally counted. Natalie Rascher did in fact win the Ward 3 City Council race but since she dropped out the recount was dismissed and Missy Mosby won.

Voter Fraud in the 2020 Governor Election

We also have shocking news about the 2020 Governor Race. We have hardcore evidence that proves that Dominion Software and their partnership Software with AccuVote TSX & OS (GEMS 1.18.24D1.0) was used in the 2020 Indiana Governor race. Dominion Software is under investigation by the F.B.I., Department of Homeland Security and C.I.S.I.A. Department that President Trump created back in 2018.

This article is written by Spencer McDaniel, Editor at Hoosier News Network.

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