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Writer's pictureGabriel Whitley

Jim Banks- Kamala Harris Warmongering Agenda-Voting Record Exposed

Fort Wayne, Indiana: Kamala Harris, former U.S. Senator from California and now running for President, continues to push policies that align with an aggressive foreign policy stance that includes active wars overseas. Similarly, Indiana’s Jim Banks, a former Congressman and now a candidate for U.S. Senate, has shown a concerning alignment with the Military-Industrial Complex through his voting record from 2017 to the present.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Indiana Congressman Jim Banks have both faced scrutiny for accepting donations from political action committees (PACs) and organizations with ties to defense contractors and companies that profit from war. These contributions have raised concerns among some voters who oppose U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts. Both Harris and Banks have received support from entities that manufacture weapons and military equipment, highlighting the influence of the defense industry on American politics. Critics argue that this financial backing underscores a troubling connection between policymakers and the corporations that benefit from prolonged military engagements.

After using political connections to secure his primary win, Banks now refuses to debate seasoned Libertarian Andrew Horning, who has gained respect for his anti-war, liberty-driven platform. Banks' Senate bid follows Mike Braun's decision to run for Governor, leaving the Senate seat open.

Now let’s break down Jim Banks’s warmongering voting record: all of Banks voting records have been verified with the U.S. House of Representatives and is public record.

Congressman Jim Banks, District 3, United States House of Representatives

2017-Present Voting Record


Below is a list of Congressman Jim Banks’ voting record along with sourcesto the bills. This document specifically features votes that are unconstitutional or inconsistent with the conservative, limited-government values of the Founding of America.  I would like to see my Congressmanask 3 questions when they vote on every bill: Is it Constitutional?  Can we afford it?  Do we need it?  By James Schortgen

1. HR 1238 Homeland Security Defense of Agriculture (March 22, 2017)

a. Summary: This bill expands the "War on Terror" to include the fictitious and non-existent threat of "agro-terrorism" in the American homeland, thereby further interjecting the U.S. government into the agriculture sector.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

2. HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 (May 4, 2017)

a. Summary: This bill votes to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with more “mandates, subsidies, and penalties.”

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

3. HR 1616 National Computer Forensics Institute Authorization (May 16, 2017)

a. Summary: This bill provides federal equipment and training to state and local law-enforcement officers which is not only unconstitutional, but also further federalizes the police system. 

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

4. HR 397 NATO (June 27, 2017)

a. Summary: The US should stay clear of entangling alliances such as NATO, but this bill also obligates the US to go to war if any member of NATO is attacked which undermines the provision in the U.S. Constitution that assigns to Congress the power to declare war.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

5. HR 3180 Intelligence Authorization (July 28, 2017)

a. Summary: This bill authorizes classified amounts of funding for 16 US intelligence agencies and intelligence-related activities (the very idea of Congress authorizing classified amounts of spending is unconstitutional).

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

6. HR 2824 Increasing Opportunity Through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act (September 26, 2017)

a. Summary: This bill authorizes $400 million a year through 2022 for the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program which mandates home visits by nurses and other workers (going beyond the few and defined federal powers authorized by the Constitution while allowing government to interject itself into the family).

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

7. S 139 Warrantless Surveillance (January 11, 2018)

a. Summary: This bill governs electronic surveillance of foreign terrorism suspects. It was created to supposedly gather intelligence on foreign targets but has been used to spy on US citizens.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

c. Amendment: Justin Amash Amendment votes to limit surveillance of US citizens. Banks voted “no” for this.

8. HR 3326 World Bank Accountability Act of 2017 (January 17, 2018)

a. Summary: This bill authorizes $3.29 billion in US contributions to the World Bank’s International Development Association, which discharges concessional loans known as “credits” and economic grants to the world’s poorest and most underdeveloped countries.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

9. HR 4909 School Violence (March 14, 2018)

a. Summary: This bill would authorize $75 million a year through fiscal year 2028 for the Justice Department’s Secure Our Schools grant program. School safety is not a proper function of the federal government and should be addressed at the local level.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

10. HR 1625 Omnibus Appropriations (March 22, 2018)

a. Summary: This bill would provide $1.3 trillion in discretionary appropriations for federal government operations and services. 

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

11. HR 3249 Law Enforcement Partnership Grants (June 6, 2018)

a. Summary: This bill authorizes $50 million to establish a grant program to foster and improve existing partnerships between local, state, and federal law-enforcement agencies to create safer neighborhoods through sustained reductions in violent crimes. The federal government is not authorized by the Constitution to partner with, train, or subsidize state or local law-enforcement agencies.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

12. HR 1082 FAA Reauthorization and Supplemental Disaster Appropriations (September 26, 2018)

a. Summary: This bill would reauthorize an increase from $10.2 billion to $11.6 billion for federal aviation programs. It also eases restrictions on FAA regulation of drones, authorizes the federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and includes $1.7 billion for Hurricane Florence disaster relief (an unconstitutional federal overreach in both aviation and disaster relief).

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

13. HR 1099 SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (September 28, 2018)

a. Bill: Summary: This bill would expand Medicare and Medicaid (both unconstitutional programs) to cover medication-assisted treatment for substance abuse and would place new requirements on states regarding Medicaid drug review and utilization requirements.  The U.S. Constitution gives no authority to the federal government to pay people’s medical expenses, no matter how poor or disabled they are. 

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

14. S J RES 7 The President to Remove US Armed Forces from Yemen (April 4, 2019)

a. Summary: This bill would direct “the President to remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in or affecting the Republic of Yemen … unless and until a declaration of war or specific authorization for such use of United States Armed Forces has been enacted.”  Congress is vested with the power to declare war, and Congress has not authorized any intervention or war in Yemen.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

15. HR 2500 Justin Amash Amendment (July 12, 2019)

a. Summary: This bill introduced an amendment to prohibit the indefinite military detention of any person (including American citizens) detained in the United States, its territories, or its possessions under the Authorization for the Use of Military Force or the NDAA (detention without trial is a serious violation of long-cherished legal protections, including the right to habeas corpus, the issuance of a warrant based on probable cause (Fourth Amendment), and the right to a “speedy and public” trial (Sixth Amendment).

b. Banks’ Vote: No

16. HR 1158 Appropriations (December 17, 2019)

a. Summary: This bill would provide $860.3 billion in discretionary spending for four of the 12 fiscal 2020 appropriations bills (fiscally irresponsible).

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

17. HR 5430 United States – Mexico – Canada Trade Agreement (December 19, 2019)

a. Summary: A negotiation between the three nations to be a replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Congress is not authorized by the Constitution to surrender our national sovereignty to any transnational regional government. 

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

18. HR 6172 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (March 11, 2020)

a. Summary: The act would modify and federal surveillance authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and subsequent laws. Despite being labeled the “Foreign” Intelligence Surveillance Act, the act does permit surveillance of Americans who are not charged with any crime.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

19. SJR 68 War Powers (March 11, 2020)

a. Summary:  Resolution allowing the president to terminate the use of U.S. armed forces for hostilities against Iran or any part of its government or military unless Congress has declared war or provided specific statutory authorization for the use of armed forces (according to the Constitution, only Congress has the authority to declare war).

b. Banks’ Vote: No

20. Cares Act



21. HR 266 Coronavirus (April 23, 2020)

a. Summary: This was the 4th coronavirus aid package passed by Congress to replenish the funds of and give additional lending power to the Small Business Administration and its Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government authorized to disburse loans to small businesses or cover the salaries of laid-off employees.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

22. HR 6395 National Defense Authorization Act (December 28, 2020)

a. Summary: This bill authorizes $740 billion in military spendingfor legitimate national defense, but also for military interventionism in foreign lands that does not make America safer. Also, the legislation undercuts the president’s legitimate authority as commander-in-chief by restricting his ability to withdraw troops

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

23. HR 4350 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (September 23, 2021)

a. Summary: This bill states those beholden to the United States Code of Military Justice could be issued a “military court protective order” by a military judge or magistrate, which would make “possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm“illegal” (a direct attack on the 2nd Amendment). This bill also includes a requirement forcing young women between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for Selective Service.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

24. HR 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act (November 30, 2021)

a. Summary: This act would allocate $400 million in taxpayer funds for the “modernization and expansion” of “immunization system data.” It would allow for a database solely created to record and collect confidential vaccination information of Americans explicitly encroaches upon individuals’ fundamental right to medical privacy.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes


25. HR 2471 Haiti Development, Accountability, and Institutional Transparency Act (March 9, 2022)

a. Summary: A 2,700-page bill allowing for $1.5 trillion in spending.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

26. HR 6968 Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act (April 8, 2022)

a. Summary: This bill prohibits the importation of energy products from Russia. This will hurt Americans because President Biden has no plan to enable the development of traditional domestic energy sources as a replacement. This forces the US to buy from dictators in Venezuela and Iran.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

27. HR 6930 Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act (April 27, 2022)

a. Summary: This bill gives the president the authority to confiscate property upon and unreviewable determination that Russia remains engaged in a Territorial Conquest in Ukraine.  The budgetary effect of this Act is pay as you go…  So again, we have a bill that has been passed without defined costs.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

28. S3522 Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act (April 28, 2022)

a. Summary:  This bill authorizes President Biden to transfer basically any weapon of war other than nuclear weapons to Ukraine.  Why are we supplying United States War Technology to other countries?  This could be used against us in the future if these weapons get put in the wrong hands.  The Congressional Budget Office also has no idea of the cost of this bill.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

29. HRES1125 Condemning rising antisemitism (May 18, 2022)

a. Summary:  This resolution calls on elected officials, faith leaders, and civil society leaders to condemn anti-Semitism in all forms. Although it seems virtuous it calls on elected leaders to condemn it.  This is just a waist of paper that has no teeth to it.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

30. HR 7791 Access to Baby Formula Act (May 18, 2022)

a. Summary:  This bill authorizes the USDA to take certain actions to address emergencies, disasters, and supply chain disruptions.  Do we really want government to have more power when they created this issue in the first place?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

31. HR2992 TBI and PTSD Law Enforcement Training Act (May 18, 2022)

a. Summary: Requires the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to consult with relevant agencies to establish crisis intervention training tools.  This is just more evidence of militarizing local police agencies through the federal government.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

32. HR 6943 Public Safety Officer Support Act (May 18, 2022)

a. Summary: This bill extends death and disability benefits under the Public Safety Officers; Benefits Program to certain public safety officers and survivors of public safety officers who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder following a stressful situation while on duty.  This is not a power that the federal government has.  This is a state issue

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

33. HR 6087 Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act of 2022 (June 7, 2022)

a. Summary: This bill expands the role of Nurse Practitioners and physician Assistance in providing services to injured federal workers.  This expands to allow other healthcare providers to see patients besides just doctors.  Is this really needed?  

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

34. S 3823 Bankruptcy Threshold Adjustment and Technical Corrections Act (June 7, 2022)

a. Summary: The bill extends for 2 years the increase of the amount of debt allowed to be carried by debtors to qualify for small business reorganization bankruptcy and provides that this debt limit is subject to adjustment for inflation.  Do we need this?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

35. HR 7664 Supporting Small Business and Career and Technical Education Act of 2022 (June 8, 2022)

a. Summary: Provides provision of assistance to small businesses in hiring graduates from career and technical education programs and to graduates of such programs in starting a small business.  Why is the government picking winners and losers?  Do we really need the Federal Government intervening in our everyday life?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

36. HR 7211 Small State and Rural Rescue Act (June 14, 2022)

a. Summary:  The bill expands the duties of FEMA Small State and Rural Advocate to include assistance to states in the collection and presentation of material in the disaster or emergency declaration relevant to demonstrate severe localized impacts within state for a specific incident.  This is a state issue not a federal issue.  This is expanding an already unconstitutional branch of government.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

37. HR 7900 National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal Year 2023(July 14, 2022)

a. Summary: This bill is 1316 pages costing 838.8 billion to keep up with the military industrial complex.  Still mandating vaccines andwoke policies.  Amendment in this bill to give amnesty to illegals.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

38. HRES1130 Sovereign decision of Finland and Sweden to apply to join NATO (July 18, 2022)

a. Summary: This bill recognizes that Finland and Sweden sovereign and historic decision to apply to NATO. This is adding 2 more countries to NATO where the USA is going to be covering the cost of their defense.  More socialistic countries joining NATO for the USA to pay for.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

39. HR 4040 Advancing Telehealth Beyond Covid 19 Act (July 27, 2022)

a. Summary: This bill makes permanent several telehealth flexibilities under Medicare that were initially authorized during the public health emergency relating to COVID-19.  Why are we expanding government in healthcare when they are not given this power in the Constitution?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

40. S3895 International Religious Freedom Reauthorization Act (September 19, 2022)

a. Summary: Extending the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.  What does this have to do with the USA and why does this affect us?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

41. HR6448 Mental Health Justice Act of 2022 (September 22, 2022)

a. Summary: To carry out a grant program to aid police departments with fewer than 200 law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.  Article 1 Section 8 does not provide for federalizing policing, and this is more government interference in local issues.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

42. S2551 AI Training Act ( September 29, 2022)

a. Summary: The OMB to establish or otherwise provide AI training.  More Government involvement to maybe be able to use this against Americans in the future?  Does not live up to smaller government.  This expands government.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

43. S 3846 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Reauthorization Act of 2022 (November 29, 2022) Lame Duck

a. Summary: This act expands the allowable use of grands under the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program.  The program provides state, local, and tribal grants to improve the criminal justice systems response to people with mental health disorders. Where in the Constitution is congress granted this power to get involved in mental health or any health issues?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

44. HR 4785 To support the human rights of Uyghurs and members of other minority groups residing in China (December 1, 2022) Lame Duck

a. Summary: Bill addresses human rights issues concerning the Uyghurs and other minority groups in the Autonomous Region in China.  Bill authorizes the establishment of a special Coordinator of Uyghur issues position within the Department of State.  Article 1 Section 8 does not give congress the authority to address othercountries issues…  Why are we meddling in all foreign issues that have nothing to do with the USA and protecting the USA?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

45. S4052 Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act of 2022 (December 6, 2022) Lame Duck

a. Summary: This act reauthorizes through FY2027 various activities carried out by Health Resources and Services Administration, the CDC, and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders that support screening and early intervention services for newborns, infants, and young children wo are deaf or hard of hearing.  Where is Congress given this authority in the Constitution?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

46. S1617 Disaster Assistance for Rural Communities Act (December 8, 2022) Lame Duck

a. Summary: This bill authorizes the Small Business Administration to declare a disaster in rural areas where significant damage has been incurred for the purpose of providing certain assistance.  Is this really an authority that the Federal Government is granted to be involved in or is this a State issue?  Is the Small Business Administration Constitutional?  

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

47. S4926 Respect for Child Survivors Act (December 21, 2022) Lame Duck

a. Summary: This bill requires the FBI to us and approach with any investigation of child sexual exploitation or abuse, the production of child sexual abuse material, or Child Trafficking.  National policing the founding fathers warned would turn into a standing army being destructive to the people’s freedom and liberty.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

48. HR 21 MTG AMENDMENT Strategic Production Response Act (January 27, 2023)

a. Summary: Would strike the exceptions that Biden used to sell our oil.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

49. HR302 To direct the Secretary of Energy to provide financial assistance to graduate students

a. Summary: This bill requires the DOE to support the development of a next generation energy specific cybersecurity workforce.  Specifically, DOE must provide financial assistance to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers pursuing a course of study that integrates cybersecurity competencies within disciplines associated with energy infrastructure needs.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

50. HRES132 Responding to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023 (February 27, 2023)

a. Summary: Resolution mourns the loss of life in Turkey and Syria by earthquakes.  Is this really necessary to make this type of legislation when on the same day a train in East Palestine Ohio blew up?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

51. HR538 Informing Consumers about Smart Devices Act (February 27, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires manufacturers of internet-connected devices that are equipped with a camera or microphone to disclose to consumers that a camera or microphone is part of the device.  Why is this necessary?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

52. HR 347 Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation Act (March 1, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires the Office of Management and Budget and the Economic Advisers to provide an inflation estimate for each executive order.  EXECUTIVE ORDERS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  CONGRESS MAKES LAW NOT THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH.  Executive Orders need to ignore and all branches of government making rules like ATF, DOE, DHS, ETC. should be null and void as the rules in the branches of the executive branch did not go through Congress

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

53. HR1123 Understanding Cybersecurity of Mobile Networks Act(March 7, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires the National Telecommunications and information Administration to examine and report on the cybersecurity of mobile service networks and the vulnerability of these networks and mobile devices to cyberattacks and surveillance conducted by adversaries.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

54. H Con Res 21 Directing the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Syria

a. Summary: This concurrent resolution directs the President to remove the U.S. Armed Forces from Syria within 180 days of the adoption of this concurrent resolution.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

55. HR406 Providing Appropriate Recognition and Treatment Needed to Enhance Relations with ASEAN Act (March 23, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill establishes that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations shall be covered by the international organization immunities Act, which provides immunities and privileges to certain international organizations, such as immunity from certain lawsuits and exemption from property taxes.  Where does Article 1 Section 8 give the power for this bill to even exist?

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

56. HR 5 Parent Bill of Rights Act (March 23, 2023)

a. Summary: review the curriculum of their child's school; meet with each teacher of their child at least twice each school year;review the budget, including all revenues and expenditures, of their child's school; inspect the books and other reading materials in the library of their child's school; address the school board of the LEA; receive information about violent activity in their child's school; and know if their child is not grade-level proficient in reading or language arts at the end of 3rd grade.  Although this might sound great the Federal Government is not granted the power to be involved in education.  This is a State issue, and the Federal Government has no authority to be in Education according to the Constitution.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

57. HR 5 Thomas Massie Amendment No. 15 (March 24, 2023)

a. Summary: The Department of Education shall Terminate before December 31, 2023.  The Federal Government has no business or authority to be involved in Education so this Amendment isneeded, and I thank Jim Banks for Voting Yes

b. Banks’s Vote: Yes

58. HR 1154 Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act 2023

a. Summary: This bill imposes sanctions on persons (individuals and entities) involved in forced organ trafficking and authorizes the Department of State to revoke the passports of individuals convicted of certain crimes related to organ trafficking.  Specifically, the President must report to Congress a list of persons that facilitate (1) forced organ harvesting, or (2) trafficking in persons for organ harvesting. For each person on the list, the President must impose property- and visa-blocking sanctions. Furthermore, the State Department may deny or revoke the passport of an individual who has been convicted of a federal crime of knowingly transferring any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation, if the individual (1) is subject to imprisonment or supervised release resulting from that conviction, and (2) used a passport or crossed an international border when committing that crime.  This gives the executive broad authority to sanction people without any adjudication and defines anyone who pays for and organ donation as an organ trafficker, punishable by the U.S.  This is a bad bill.

b. Bank’s Vote: Not Voting

59. HR 1151 Upholding Sovereignty of Airspace Act (April 17, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires and authorizes actions in response to the Chinese government's global surveillance program, including the Chinese government's use of surveillance balloons.  The President may impose property- and visa-blocking sanctions on foreign individuals that directly manage or oversee the Chinese government's global surveillance balloon program. In addition, the Department of Commerce must report to Congress an evaluation of what export controls are appropriate for aerospace-related items and technologies that are used for intelligence and reconnaissance by China's military.  The bill also requires the Department of State to report to Congress a diplomatic strategy to (1) inform U.S. allies and partners of the scope of the Chinese government's surveillance program, and (2) build a global consensus to address the Chinese government's global surveillance balloon program.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

60. HR 1149 Countering Untrusted Telecommunication Abroad Act (April 19, 2023)

a. Summary: To establish certain reporting and other requirements relating to telecommunications equipment and services produced or provided by certain entities, and for other

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

61. HR 734 Mace Amendment (April 20, 2023)

a. Summary: to require the Comptroller General carry out a study to determine the meaning of the phrase 'any other benefit' as used in subsection (d)(3) by looking at the adverse psychological, developmental, participatory, and sociological results to girls of allowing males to compete, be members of a sports team, or participants in athletic programs, that are designed for girls, including hostile environment creation, sexual assault, and sexual harassment.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

62. HR 1339 Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act (April 26, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to review, and recommend changes to, its rules for fixed, mobile, and earth exploration satellites to promote precision agriculture (an information- and technology-based management system used to identify, analyze, and manage variability in agricultural production for optimum profitability, sustainability, and environmental protection).In conducting its review, the FCC must consult with a task force that advises the FCC on ways to assess and advance broadband internet on unserved agricultural land and promote precision agriculture.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

63. HCONRES30 Directing the President, Pursuant to Section 5 (c) of the War Powers Resolution Act (April 27, 2023)

a. This concurrent resolution directs the President to remove all U.S. Armed Forces from Somalia, other than those assigned to protect the U.S. embassy in Somalia, within 365 days of the adoption of this concurrent resolution.  

b. Banks’ Vote: No

64. HR2795 Enhancing Multi-Class Share Disclosure Act (May 30, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires issuers of securities with multi-class share structures to disclose certain information in any proxy solicitation or consent solicitation material. A multi-class share structure occurs when a company issues two or more classes of shares that have different voting rights. For example, a company may issue one class of shares with no or few voting rights for the public, and another class with more voting rights for company founders and executives. Under the bill, the issuer must disclose certain information about each director, director nominee, named executive officer, and each beneficial owner of securities with 5% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of securities entitled to vote in the election of directors. Specifically, the issuer must disclose (1) the number of shares of all classes of securities entitled to vote in the election of directors beneficially owned by such person, and (2) the amount of voting power held by such person.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

65. HR1548 Improving Access to Small Business Information Act (July 11, 2023)

a. Summary: This bill excludes from the Paperwork Reduction Act actions taken by the Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation within the Securities and Exchange Commission. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, agencies must comply with specific procedures when gathering information from the public.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

66. HJRES68 Nation Emergency declared by President on October 27, 2006 (July 18, 2023)

a. Summary: This joint resolution terminates the national emergency declared by President George W. Bush on October 27, 2006, which blocks the property of certain persons contributing to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

67. HJRES 70 National Emergency Declared by the President on February 25, 2011 (July 18, 2023)

a. Summary: This joint resolution terminates the national emergency concerning Libya declared by President Obama on February 25, 2011.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

68. HJRES 74 National Emergency Declared by the President on May 16, 2012 (July 18, 2023)

a. Summary: This joint resolution terminates the national emergency declared by President Barack Obama on May 16, 2012, which blocks the property of certain persons threatening the peace, security, or stability of Yemen.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

69. HJRES 71 National Emergency Declared by the President on May 22, 2003 (July 18, 2023)

a. Summary: This joint resolution terminates the national emergency declared by President George W. Bush on May 22, 2003, with respect to the stabilization of Iraq.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

70. HJRES 79 National Emergency Declared by the President on May 11, 2004 (July 18, 2023)

a. Summary: This joint resolution terminates the national emergency declared by President George W. Bush on May 11, 2004, which blocked the property of certain persons and export of certain goods to Syria in response to Syria supporting terrorist activity in Iraq, among other activities.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

71. HR1338 Satellite and Telecommunications Streamlining Act

a. Summary: This bill directs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to revise its regulations that govern licenses and grants of U.S. market access for geostationary and non-geostationary orbital satellites. Geostationary orbital satellites maintain a stationary position in orbit while non-geostationary satellites move in relation to the Earth's surface; these satellites may be used to provide broadband and other telecommunications services.In particular, the bill specifies deadlines by which the FCC must decide whether to approve an application for a license or grant of market access. Generally, the FCC must make a decision on (1) an initial application or a major modification of an application within one year, (2) a renewal of an application within 180 days, and (3) a minor modification of an application within 90 days. The bill allows the FCC to extend the deadlines in some instances, such as when an application raises national security and law enforcement concerns.Furthermore, the FCC regulations must include performance objectives for space safety and orbital debris that are specific, measurable, and technology-neutral.The FCC must also include requirements related to the sharing of the electromagnetic spectrum band by licensees and grantees. For example, the FCC must (1) require licensees and grantees to make a good faith effort to coordinate their use of the spectrum with others, and (2) establish a quantifiable level of protection from harmful interference for other authorized users of the spectrum.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

72. HR 4368 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 (Amendment Number 45 printed in Part F Rep Scott Perry)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 45 printed in Part F of House Report 118-216 to cut the Rural Business Cooperative Service Rural Business Program Account by 50% from FY23 enacted.  If we want smaller limited government, we need to cutgovernment.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

73. HR 4368 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024(Amendment Number 54 Printed in Part F Rep Andy Biggs)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 54 printed in Part F of House Report 118-216 to strike funding for Food for Peace Title II Grants and directs the total to the spending reduction account.  If we want smaller limited government, we need to cut government.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

74. HR 4368 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 (Amendment Number 57 Printed in Part F Rep Andy Biggs)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 57 printed in Part F of House Report 118-216 to strike funding for the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program and directs the total to the spending reduction account.  Why are we funding International Food programs when we are bankrupt.  If we want smaller limited government, we need to cut government.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

75. H.R.4365 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 152 printed in Part A of House Report 118-216 to reduce the salary of Shawn Skelly, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness to $1.  This is an open Transgender playing Cross Dress in the Military.  He needs out of the military not embraced.  Why would you vote no to this???

b. Banks’ Vote: No

76. H.R.4367 - Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024 (Amendment 29 Rep Andrew Clyde)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 29 printed in Part B of House Report 118-216 to reduce funding for CISA by 25%.  If we want smaller limited government, we need to cut government especially the departments that spy on Americans…

b. Banks’ Vote: No

77. H.R.4367 - Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024 (Amendment 39 Rep Andy Biggs)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 39 printed in Part B of House Report 118-216 to prohibit the use of funds to pay the salary and expenses of CISA Director Jen Easterly.

b. BanksVote: No

78. H.R.4367 - Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024 (Amendment 40 Rep Andy Biggs)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 40 printed in Part B of House Report 118-216 to prohibit the use of funds to pay the salary and expenses of CISA Director of Election Security Initiative Geoffrey Hale.

b. Banks’ Vote: No

79. HR 4665 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 (Amendment Number 51 Rep Andrew Ogles)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 51 printed in Part D of House Report 118-216 to prohibit funds in this Act from being made available to Pakistan.  Why are we giving money to Pakistan when we are bankrupt?

b. Banks’ Vote: No

80. HR 4665 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 (Amendment Number 77 Rep Thomas Massie)

a. Summary: An amendment numbered 77 printed in Part D of House Report 118-216 to prevent funds made available by this Act from being used to transfer cluster munitions to any foreign country.  Why would we give cluster munitions to other countries when we are bankrupt?

b. Banks’ Vote: No

81. HRES829 Censuring Representative Rahida Tlaib for AntisemiticActivity (11/1/2023)

a. Summary: This resolution censures Rep Rashida Tlaib for Antisemitism

b. Banks’ Vote: No

82. HRES863 Impeaching Alejandro Micholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland security, for high crimes and misdemeanors (11/13/2023)

a. Summary: This resolution impeaches Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas for high crimes and misdemeanors, including for his handling of issues involving fentanyl and border security. On top of that Article 3 Section 3 states Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving aid and Comfort.  Article 4 Section 4 The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against Invasion.  Impeachment should be the lowest level of offence Mayorkas should be hit with…  Jim Banks couldn’t bother to show up and vote for this but talks about the boarder non stopwhen he gets back to his district…

b. Banks’ Vote: Not Voting

83. HR1547 One Seat Ride Act (12/5/2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires the Department of Transportation to conduct a study on the benefits of commuter rail passenger transportation and major obstacles to providing commuter rail passenger transportation that does not involve a transfer for passengers. The study must consider economic, logistical, and quality of life factors. It must also include a cost-benefit analysis of single-seat trips on the New Jersey Transit Raritan Valley line during peak hours and the impact such trips would have on other New Jersey Transit lines.

b. Banks Vote: Yes

84. Lower Costs, More Transparency Act (12/11/2023)

a. Summary: This bill requires health care providers and insurers to disclose certain information about health care costs. It also establishes requirements for certain payment methodologies under Medicare and Medicaid and extends several public health programs.  For example, the bill provides statutory authority for regulations that require hospitals to annually publish their prices and related information, including the discounted cash price and negotiated charges. The bill also specifically extends these requirements to clinical laboratories, imaging service providers, and ambulatory surgical centers that participate in Medicare. Additionally, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) must semiannually report to health plan sponsors on the number and types of claims for covered drugs, including whether the drugs were brand-name or generic drugs and associated costs. Contracts with PBMs for employer-sponsored health plans must also allow health plan fiduciaries to audit certain claims and cost information without undue restrictions. In addition, the bill requires pass-through pricing models, and prohibits spread-pricing, for payment arrangements with PBMs under Medicaid. It also requires Medicare payments for certain drug administration services at off-campus hospital outpatient departments to be the same as that for other provider settings (i.e., physician offices).The bill provides funds for the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Treasury, and the Department of Labor to implement and enforce the bill's requirements. Finally, the bill extends several public health programs, including the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program (through FY2030) and the National Health Service Corps (through December 31, 2025).  A lot of Big Government where the Constitution gives them no authority to legislate Healthcare.

b. Banks Vote: Yes

85. HR 4531 Support for Patients and Communities Reauthorization (12/12/2023)

a. Summary: This bill reauthorizes through FY2028 and modifies various grants, programs, and activities that address substance use and misuse. This includes reauthorizing (1) data collection, education, and surveillance activities; (2) grants and other support for substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery; (3) student loan repayment and other programs for the substance use disorder workforce; and (4) programs for addressing trauma, particularly for children, youth, and their families. Generally, the modifications expand programs.  Additionally, the bill modifies provisions related to the scheduling of controlled substances, including by incorporating illicit xylazine (a compound used in veterinary medicine as a nonopioid tranquilizer) into schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act. Further, the bill makes permanent a requirement that Medicaid programs cover medication-assisted treatment for individuals with substance use disorders.  A lot of Big Government where the Constitution gives them no authority to Legislate Healthcare.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

86. HR 2670 National Defense Authorization Act (12/14/2023)

a. Summary:  This bill reauthorizes the national defense with more spending, more woke programs, reauthorizes FISA to spy on Americans without a warrant which goes against the 4thAmendment.  This is a bad bill which doesn’t cut spending and doesn’t protect the rights of citizens which Government is instituted for the sole purpose of protecting rights.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes

87. HR 7217 Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act

a. This bill provides FY2024 supplemental appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of State for activities to respond to the attacks in Israel. The bill designates the funding as emergency spending, which is exempt from discretionary spending limits.  Specifically, the bill provides appropriations to DOD for Military Personnel; Operation and Maintenance; Procurement; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation; Defense Working Capital Funds; and the Defense Health Program.  We are bankrupt why are we giving US Money to a foreign country when we don’t have it to begin with.

b. Banks’ Vote: Yes






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