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Writer's pictureGabriel Whitley

Fact Check: Yes, It’s True – Haitians Are Eating Pets in Springfield, Ohio, and No, It’s Not Racist to Talk About It

The establishment media continues to downplay or outright dismiss claims that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, have been killing and consuming pets, including dogs, cats, geese, and ducks. Despite the concerted efforts to suppress this story, there is substantial evidence backing the allegations. Numerous videos and pictures have surfaced, showing groups of Haitian immigrants slaughtering and eating animals that were once family pets. The situation has sparked outrage among residents who find themselves concerned not only for the safety of their pets but also for the broader implications of ignoring these issues.

Reports have been circulating for months about this disturbing trend. Social media platforms have been flooded with videos of Haitians butchering pets, and while these videos have been flagged or removed by mainstream outlets for "misinformation," the evidence is clear for anyone who looks beyond the surface. Local residents in Springfield have spoken out, calling on authorities to address this issue, but the response has been minimal.

The establishment media and certain activist groups have labeled these concerns as "racist," claiming they are xenophobic exaggerations. However, facts don’t lie. The reality of what’s happening in Springfield goes beyond cultural differences – it’s a matter of public safety, animal welfare, and accountability. Dismissing it as racism not only undermines the legitimate concerns of local citizens but also fails to hold those responsible for these acts accountable.

Indianapolis has seen a significant rise in Haitian immigration over the past few years. With the community growing rapidly, concerns are mounting over whether the same problems seen in Springfield will begin to surface here. In fact, last month, a Haitian individual in Indianapolis was arrested for animal cruelty. The arrest sparked fears that this disturbing behavior could spread into our own neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, it seems that local officials, including Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears, are more interested in dismissing these cases than in addressing the problem. In the case of the Haitian arrested for animal cruelty, the charges were dropped by Mears, despite public outcry. This has led many to question whether the local government is prioritizing political correctness over the safety and well-being of its citizens and animals.

To be clear, addressing this issue has nothing to do with racism. It’s about acknowledging a problem that has been documented and confirmed through video evidence and local testimony. Labeling it as racist is a convenient way for those in power to avoid confronting uncomfortable truths. When neighborhoods are plagued by incidents of animal cruelty, the first step is to face the reality of what’s happening. It’s not about painting an entire group with a broad brush, but rather addressing individual actions that are harmful to the community.

This is not the first time concerns like this have been dismissed by the mainstream media, and it likely won’t be the last. But the people of Springfield and Indianapolis deserve to know the truth, even if it’s uncomfortable. Pretending that cultural practices are beyond criticism only serves to make the problem worse, and in this case, pets – and possibly more – are paying the price.

It’s time for the media and local governments to stop hiding behind the shield of political correctness and start taking these claims seriously. The people of Springfield, Ohio, have provided more than enough evidence to warrant an investigation, and Indianapolis should be vigilant about addressing these concerns before they grow into a larger issue.

Animal cruelty is illegal in the United States, no matter who commits it or where they come from. Every community, regardless of its makeup, should be held to the same standard. If we can’t discuss these issues openly and honestly, we risk allowing them to escalate. The truth is not racist, and it’s time to stop pretending otherwise.

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