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Writer's pictureBobby Kern

Bobby Kern: Investigating the Misuse of Constable Office Funds and the Targeting of Center Township Constable Reputation

Center Township Constable Denise Paul Hatch

Indianapolis-Indiana: In a tumultuous series of events, Denise, who took office as a Center Township Constable in January 2023 only just starting her role, Denise quickly uncovered suspicious activity and the illegal diversion of money intended for the constable's office to a law firm, allegedly with the knowledge of judges. The local judiciary and media appear to be working together to undermine her credibility, painting her as incompetent while attempting to silence her investigations into the township's financial dealings.

The Financial Cover-Up

One of the main points of concern has been the misallocation of her annually income that certain townships, such as Washington Township, have received. Denise discovered that the money was being withheld not because of her performance, but as part of a larger effort to obscure where funds were going. This withholding of funds was allegedly used as leverage to prevent her from digging into financial records. According to sources close to Denise, her efforts to investigate were met with resistance, as the judiciary and political elites of Indianapolis seemed bent on discrediting her.

Adding to the tension, the Washington Township Constable's Office has been reportedly stepping in to take over duties that fall under the Center Township Constable’s jurisdiction. This unusual power shift raises even more questions about how funds and responsibilities are being handled across different townships.

Judge Brenda Roper’s Alleged Abuse of Power

Denise’s attempts to fulfill her duties have been further hampered by the actions of Small Claims Judge Brenda Roper, who has played a key role in the ongoing battle against Denise. According to reports, Judge Roper, a relative of the late Tony Duncan (the former constable and Roper’s cousin), attempted to hold a series of closed door meetings with Denise. Denise, however, declined to attend these meetings, following advice from her associates, who pointed out that similar meetings were never held with Tony Duncan when he served in the position.

This refusal led to what has been described as a power trip by Judge Roper, who sought to remove Denise from office through contempt charges. The pressure intensified, with the judge allegedly leveraging her connections and influence to sideline Denise and keep her from investigating financial irregularities. LaDonna Freeman, the Center Township Trustee, was also drawn into this power struggle, and she, along with Denise, was supposed to meet with Judge Roper, but the meeting never occurred with Denise.

Escalating Arrests and Allegations

The conflict reached its peak when Denise was arrested in February 2024 for alleged official misconduct. The arrest was captured on body camera footage, where a Washington Township constable made a cryptic remark about using the footage as evidence later, indicating that Denise's arrest was part of a larger plot. This arrest was based on claims that she stole expired broccoli that she returned to a Kroger store—an accusation that has raised eyebrows due to its bizarre nature and the timing of the charge.

Further adding to the list of accusations, Denise was arrested again in May for carrying her firearm, which her lawyer had told her she was allowed to carry after regaining her gun rights. Witnesses Eddie Hager and Bobby Kern supported Denise’s claim, stating they heard her lawyer confirm her right to carry a gun. Yet, despite this legal backing, Denise found herself behind bars again.

The latest development in this saga came in September when Denise was arrested once more for official misconduct. This time, the charge stemmed from an altercation where she allegedly used harsh language toward LaDonna, the Center Township Trustee. The arrest is seen by Denise’s supporters as another attempt to discredit her and distract from the ongoing financial corruption she is trying to expose.


Denise’s battle to uncover the misuse of funds in the Center Township Constable's office has exposed a potentially corrupt system that is determined to silence her. Between illegal financial dealings, attempts to strip her of power, and a series of dubious arrests, it is clear that forces are at play to prevent her from doing her job. The judiciary, the media, internal affairs, FBI, IMPD and township officials have worked in concert to undermine her credibility and distract from the real issue: where is the money going, and why is Denise being targeted for trying to find out?

As the story unfolds, it remains to be seen whether Denise can withstand the pressure and continue her fight for accountability in the Indianapolis political system. One thing is clear: this is about more than just her job—it’s about exposing systemic corruption and holding those in power accountable.


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